...but from where?! That is the question. Since last I wrote my whereabouts for the blog I've been to Hungary, Austria, Chicago, France, AND...drum roll please--camp!!! That's right folks, Jennifer went to camp completely in French. I liken it to my Theology of Culture or Christian Thought classes in French. So the work and thoughts were not new and were on the more foundational side but the week was spent entirely in French. I spoke English only twice for an extended period of time. From upon waking until sleeping, French French French French French. Let me say this--my butt has officially been kicked in another language. I think an 11th commandment should be added (especially for Americans)--"Thou shalt learn a second language from birth." How helpful it would have been but alas...

I sat through teaching, participated in Bible studies, tried to follow casual meal conversations, and laughed very little while at camp near Grenoble with
Groupe Biblique Universitaire, a French university ministry similar to
Intervarsity in its intense focus on Bible study. Wow, so, that was fun in another language. Most days, okay all of the days, I sincerely prayed "Lord, give me strength," to simply be there, to participate, to listen well, to hear the voices and hearts of young adults in another tongue, to be faithful, to be patient, to continue caring, to get out of bed, to engage in conversation, to not completely emotionally and mentally melt down, to speak French, to not scream, to pray fervently at all times without ceasing. "Oh mon Dieu, donne moi la force." Each day, every day--actually, it's becoming the theme. Here's an example of how intense the week was. I
chose to skip the final night's party. This from the girl (woman?) who never misses a party, who usually hits the dance floor first, who is always looking for a reason to have a party, who enjoys a party. I didn't go. I cleaned our living quarters instead, with the company of my battery-waning ipod. Hip-hip-hoo...pwa. If you're wondering why I didn't go, here's the short answer. I wasn't going to get any of the humor and at about 5pm that day, my brain had completely shut down and while I had grown in leaps and bounds in what I could comprehend, all of the sudden the wall slammed into my forehead and really, it was all I could do to not fling expletives at it. Pretty sure the French know English expletives. Thus, no party for Jennifer.
Now, I'll try to post more on the content of the camp--because it really was good and beyond language, learning about French Christian students was fascinating. But, tonight, I just want to write in English and go "blah." This is Jennifer the human writing and speaking, sans a brain.

But before I go, I have to add something non-camp related. Two things actually. I mentioned above I went to Chicago in this last month. Here's why--my best friend and soul sister married and I got to stand next to her through it all. Besides her husband, I'm pretty sure I was one of the most blessed people there. I even cried, and I don't cry at weddings. Held hers and my flowers and still managed to not let the mascara run by wrapping a Kleenex between them. It was truly a beautiful God-honoring, Christ-proclaiming, you two are great kind of wedding ceremony. Thanks, Rachel and Casey, for being who you are to one another and for expressing your love for one another so outwardly as well to all around you.

Second thing, another weepy moment. After about 9am on Sunday in Chicago, I ran on basically empty with three full days to go, so full that I barely made my flight, as in, they were boarding when I got there. :) But during a barbecue with Chicago friends I thanked God for the dark night sky because I nearly lost it with tears, while laughing. Now, I am given to laughing to the point of tears; but while with the Chi-town gang that wasn't it. It was just so SWEET to laugh with people and I had not done that with kindred spirits physically present for some time. I love to laugh--I snort, I cry, I become completely uncontrollable. I mean, I really like to laugh--so not having cultural connections or language connections as of late has been hard and wow, well, I was blessed to the point of tears for the sharing of laughter. So, a shout out to the Chi-town gang, thanks for the laughters and cause of tears.
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