Fall has arrived in Compiegne for all of you waiting with baited breath for a weather report. The days are still sunny, sometimes, evenings are chilly, and it's perfect weather for apple-picking. I spent Saturday morning with the McAuleys and Hemmerles gathering delicious apples. At one euro a kilo, the kids couldn't pick enough.

But this isn't the only sign that fall is here. No, no, no. Other evidences abound. L'Arche has welcomed a new group of volunteers for the year, and I will join their ranks this Wednesday. After an interview/information exchange on Friday, they are discussing where best to put me to work amongst their various groups. What my weekly schedule there will resemble and what my service there will be will be determined over the course of this coming Wednesday through Friday. More informtion on L'Arche in general and in Compiegne will appear in an upcoming blog.
Saturday evening I spent several hours at the Hemmerles--meeting, sharing with, and praying with young adults from this region, L'Oise Valley. We gathered for Les Jeunes Adultes d'Oise (JAO) and looked ahead to the coming semester--offering ideas for Bible study, sharing prayer requests, and in general, encouraging everyone with each other's kindness and presence. I look forward to supporting this work and getting to know at least several of the young adults involved. They have quite sweet and committed spirits, and I am humbled to be in their midst to serve.
The baptist church in Compiegne also indicates fall has arrived. All the members gathered at 10:30am this morning for services then proceeded to the backyard and annex for church potluck and "La Rentree"--divvying up programs and responsibilities for the coming year. The jury is still out on much of what will be done, but come October, there might be a better idea. This is church in France. Welcome! Around 5pm, everyone began rolling home and it was a wonderful first Sunday in Compiegne.
And, finally, students have returned to UTC, the university in Compiegne with whom I will be associated. Saturday morning they gathered freshmen on the plaza as I whizzed by on my newly acquired bike, welcoming the newcomers and giving them a taste of college life. The Groupe Biblique Universitaire commences tomorrow, and we would ask for your prayers for a strong beginning and commitment from students to attend, take responsibility, and dig deeply into Scripture study.
There will be more to share for prayer and for learning within each of these areas, and I look forward to keeping you posted. AND, THIS IS IMPORTANT!!! Do you have any requests for ministry-related, life in France, etc. topics you would like to see covered in this blog? While I won't be able to cover everything I or you want, I would LOVE for this to be of service to your inquiries and what you would like to know. Feel free to leave a comment or if you have my email, drop me a line there. I'll add it to the "blog idea" list.
Well, as always, there is much to write and I've intentionally left some gaps in what I've written here. As ministry develops, I can be better positioned to answer "what is ministry life like in France?" For now, while I'm serving, I'm also learning. A bientot!
P.S. Yes, the blog underwent a face lift. The other was driving me nuts.
1 comment:
look how cute you are...
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