Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Somehow life went from "ah, I have loads of time" to "how am I going to get done everything this week that rises before me?!" The list of people I need to contact grows almost daily it seems (which thoroughly excites), the time I need to be in Scriptures for study and preparation grows as people ask more questions and Bible studies begin (about which I am also excited), and personal life, i.e., filing insurance claims for stolen bikes and paying rent, also needs to be taken care of. Tonight I've just walked in from GEM France's Day of Prayer and an IKEA run afterward with Virginia Hemmerle. Praise be to God for prayer and curtains!!! The basics really...

I have an oral presentation tomorrow in French class for which I am still preparing and a bit nervous, since I'm the first to present, but I am learning daily "his grace is made sufficient in our weakness." If ministry does nothing else, it reveals weaknesses. But it also reveals a bigger God--mind-blowing really.

Today I started off my day listening to this wonderful song by Donnie McClurkin which says, "Great is your mercy towards me, your loving kindness towards me, your tender mercies I see day after day. Forever faithful towards me, you're always providing for me, great is your mercy towards me, great is your grace." You really have to hear the song to feel it, to get it, for it to seep into your bones and course down through your blood; it's just one of those arrangements vocally and musically that overwhelms you with the mightiness of God's nearness always.

So days get busier, intentionality about rest becomes necessary, life grows beautiful, abilities get stretched...and what a gift it is to get to live this life with our great God.

As for upcoming posts, depends on how the Spirit moves--it will either be What is L'Arche? or Week in Review...or maybe both. Get excited!!!

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