Thursday, February 21, 2008

The Most Meaningful Thing

Yes, I am still taking a break from the blog...but I needed to post this.

I'm standing in my bathroom crying, good tears, sweet tears, tears of a good God.

I met with Madame Bataille today and at some point during our 2 1/2 hours together I mentioned my French family the Prevotes. She asked if I went to church with them. I said, "Oh, no, they're not practicing or believing or anything. But I pray for them and an opportunity..." Madame began recounting a Catholic practice of how between a certain set of days near Easter, because of a saint's vision, they commit to praying for all those who are far from Jesus, that he would move and make himself known to them. She gave me many more details than this and there is an exact name and I'll let you know later. But then she said the most meaningful thing.

"If you give me their names, I will be sure to pray for them during these days, that they believe."

And now I'm in tears again. And I almost was then. She offered to pray for them, for my Prevotes, for my French family. I can't even type or see the keyboard........

That's all.

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