Last Tuesday night, we had a Bible study on John 8:31-47 to discuss truth and freedom. Now, I don’t know about you, but that is not an easy passage, and the students DUG IN!!! Our discussion was amazing, and we were guided over and over again into the text by Armel. The themes of desires, will, being slaves, and sin, along side truth and freedom, were all on the table. And let me just say, GBU is trying very hard to become an official group at the university here, which is a long, long, tiring, walking fine lines process. That said, it is imperative (I can’t stress that enough.) that we study the text of Scripture. The Christian students in the group believe it contains truth and words speaking of life, and it is in this spirit everyone is engaged in facilitating the studies. But we also have to objectively consider the text and trust God to work through study to raise up words of truth.
It is at this point that I would like to say, I LOVE the Bible! I have always liked it, but alongside GBU and through personal study this year (complimenting previous studies) I am overwhelmed at the logic of Scripture. Now, I do not pretend to preach the logic of the Gospel. That is entirely different, and I don’t see logic other than what faith and spiritual understanding grant. But, the Biblical texts themselves are brilliant. Not easy, mind you, but simply brilliant.
Tonight we studied Ephesians 2:1-10 to consider the “obligations of God.” The point was to enter into studying grace, which was well-facilitated by Corinne and Nari, and it was a most engaging study for everyone, with plenty of questions posed and pressed. And responses from the text searched out. Beautiful. I believe among the Christian attendees there is a hunger for the Word being fueled and for others we are welcoming they are finding truly a safe space to search out the teachings of Scripture.
I have the image of “God added to their numbers” from Acts 2, and every time I return to my apartment from a GBU study, I cannot help but praise and pray for what God is doing in this midst of this group. We number regularly 17, and tonight we welcomed two students from the Catholic group. Nari, Armel, Clement, and I joined their group last week for a Wednesday dinner, and Nari and I went to a worship group on Thursday. Powerful! Beautiful to worship with brothers and sisters of a different Christian fabric who are seeking out the glory of God to be established. We know we have our differences, but we also see our love and belief in Christ as central and crucial. Pray that God will continue to bless further exchanges and relationships established between us.
Speaking of relationships being established, with the McAuleys’ permission, I was able to host a dinner and GBU women sleep-over in their home on Friday. We had a blast and the thought always ran through my mind was, “Oh, the things I can do with a house.” And I am dead serious. I “need” a house. We ate ratatouille, munched American monster cookies, shared our weeks’ highs and lows, watched movies, chomped down homemade guac with chips, and laughed tons. We had 10 total for dinner and 5 for the night. Scrambling eggs after only I think what was 3 hours of sleep was never so much fun! Here’s a few photos for proof.

Two songs that make me DANCE and PRAISE!
O Praise Him
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