Will post more definitive ministry wrap-ups for GBU, JAO, and L'Arche in the next two weeks.
The rundown--
June 29-July 3--Going to London for Poet's Corner and Indian cuisine. And tea. Granddaddy says it's my going away present to myself. :)
July 3--Compiegne
July 4-6--Chantilly/Gouvieux and Apremont with missionary and French families
July 6-7--Compiegne
July 8--Arrive on American soil (at least this is the plan)
July 8-30--Texas Tour
July 30-August 2--Drive and move to Chicago
And here's a picture or two to tied you over until the stories.
Sunset ride out by the chateau tracks

Picnic with Mahina and JoJo

GBU End of Year Picnic on the Oise

Boat tour in Amiens with Le Moulin

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