Mentioned in Passing
In Memory of Anne-Marie Osborne Aycock Posey
June 14, 1914-June 17, 2008
It comes in waves, almost steadily
Mimicking morning sun’s rhythm
Surprisingly yet surely
The ebb and flow
Of life and death
Of what was and shall not be again
Hands that mixed and made with deftness
Pie shells for family and neighbors
Packed peas for the winter months
Canned tomatoes and stored up jams
Whipped up the only pies I’ve ever liked
Tickled my ears while I laid on her lap
She woke me at 7am on many a weekend morning for fresh bacon and eggs
Gathered family year after year into her home for every holiday
Held up dress after dress for me to try on
Let me nervously drive her car before I was old enough to do so legally
(the same car I still drive today)
Told story upon story of life on the farm
From World War I to Depression to II to Korea to Vietnam
Cared for and buried a father, a mother, a husband, my Poppy, her sister
Now she too joins them
And in this we find cause to rejoice
That generation after generation gather round a Throne
We’re not sure,
But the Bible says maybe we won’t have our families and spouses after passing
But my sister says, “Well……”
And I respond, “Yeah, there’s that too…”
The ambiguity
But we can hope
Jesus will be enough for her we know
But wouldn’t it be sweet
For Mamaw and Poppy to worship Jesus together
I think they would like that
And most of all, I think God would too

"I like to think of heaven as the holding place until
We’re released back onto this earth made New
As it was meant to be
As we were meant to be"
In Memory of Anne-Marie Osborne Aycock Posey
June 14, 1914-June 17, 2008
It comes in waves, almost steadily
Mimicking morning sun’s rhythm
Surprisingly yet surely
The ebb and flow
Of life and death
Of what was and shall not be again
Hands that mixed and made with deftness
Pie shells for family and neighbors
Packed peas for the winter months
Canned tomatoes and stored up jams
Whipped up the only pies I’ve ever liked
Tickled my ears while I laid on her lap
She woke me at 7am on many a weekend morning for fresh bacon and eggs
Gathered family year after year into her home for every holiday
Held up dress after dress for me to try on
Let me nervously drive her car before I was old enough to do so legally
(the same car I still drive today)
Told story upon story of life on the farm
From World War I to Depression to II to Korea to Vietnam
Cared for and buried a father, a mother, a husband, my Poppy, her sister
Now she too joins them
And in this we find cause to rejoice
That generation after generation gather round a Throne
We’re not sure,
But the Bible says maybe we won’t have our families and spouses after passing
But my sister says, “Well……”
And I respond, “Yeah, there’s that too…”
The ambiguity
But we can hope
Jesus will be enough for her we know
But wouldn’t it be sweet
For Mamaw and Poppy to worship Jesus together
I think they would like that
And most of all, I think God would too

"I like to think of heaven as the holding place until
We’re released back onto this earth made New
As it was meant to be
As we were meant to be"
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