Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Lunch with Vincent

I will plan to blog about my visit back to France right before, maybe during, and definitely after if you're wanting to follow the story that began almost two years ago now (entire process of going accounted for in that).

But, for the moment, I am practically giddy because I just received an email from Vincent my neighbor about lunch in Compiegne. "Tell me the date and hour precisely that week. I have plenty of news to tell, and I'm sure you do as well." There are small glimpses when it feels as if I never left, and this was one of them. Note that my last interaction with Vincent involved my leaving him a copy of John, so already I am interceding and preparing for a follow-up conversation. Will you join me in those prayers?

March 5-15 will be full between visits with missionaries, students, long-term ministry discussions, L'Arche, church, students in Paris, time with Valerie, Prevotes, a dinner party...and the list goes on. Ten days feels so short with a people and place that I call mine, but I am asking God to expand the minutes, grant me full comprehension of all that occurs, and continue to place before me ways that even in a short span he has prepared for me to minister.

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