Monday, June 23, 2008

News Bytes

Below I've linked you to some interesting resources and articles as of late. I'm not stirring any political pot, because that's not my job. Nonetheless, for an American living in France, these articles have served me well to understand some conversations I've had here concerning U.S. elections, namely that I've noted the French don't realize Republicans exist, which has amused me to no end. I have repeatedly had to clarify for people, "It's not just about Obama and Clinton." Oh? they say. Oui...oh.

I would like to add this as well. Americans could learn a thing or two concerning environment care from the French. While a popular trend here and a growing trend of concern in the states, I personally find I recycle more, waste less, always carry a re-usable bag in my purse, am addicted to my bicycle or feet, and think about energy use increasingly more since living in France. If you ask for a plastic sack, they'll say, "Tsk, tsk, l'environnement." And if you don't turn out lights, they will come behind and do it for you. Needless to say, one learns quickly to be mindful of the small things which add up to make a difference.

CNN's Eye on France
I have not watched or read much of this CNN Special, but I recommend it nonetheless if you're looking for the latest coverage on France's shifting cultural and political role in Europe and the world.

Race, France, and U.S. Elections

Maureen Dowd's latest op-ed concerning Carla Sarkozy and her surprisingly positive effect on Sarko's popularity.

Roger Cohen on Obama and France

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