Sunday, June 22, 2008

Week in Review

Since a picture is worth a thousand words, today, you get lucky. I'm posting pictures from various events, etc. of the last 1-2 weeks. I have little mental capacity to write anything lucid nor the physical energy to keep my eyes open long enough to do so. This week has been full of late nights and early mornings, days full of so much moving that at their end my feet are numb. Literally numb. I've planned only a picnic lunch and a L'Arche foyer dinner tomorrow, so it is my off day to pack, organize, and make my apartment look like I'm moving out in...5 days!!!!!!!!!!!

Without further ado...(btw, these are out of order b/c I'm a tech idiot and not taking the time to sort them all around)

6/20--Set-up for the American party at Le Moulin

Setting up with staff

They surprised me with gifts that participants created, this painting by Gerard
being a particular favorite of mine.

My friend Mahina and her friend Martin provided our live entertainment!!!

The music drew quite the crowd, a big hit!

Teaching the natives line-dancing.

Attempting Texas two-step

6/22--Baptism at Compiegne Baptist Church

Pastor Pierre is the bearded long-haired on the left.

6/22--Fete de la Musique (Music party) later in the day

BBQ following the Fete de la Musique,
i.e., minus 2 hours I was at church from 10:30am until 8:30pm

6/17--Madame Bataille correcting my French for my goodbye words at L'Arche.

6/17--GBU Prayer and Worship Night

Passing the leadership baton

6/21--7a.m. bike ride along the Oise River and into the fields

6/14--7a.m. 30 km bike ride in the forest to Pierrefonds, local castle town

6/14--Jean-Stephane and Chloe headed to tennis lessons

Later in the day, football lessons with Chloe and Loick.


My first strawberry clafoutis for a L'Arche foyer dinner

Saturday morning market, a habit I will miss greatly in America.

6/16--Monday morning Le Moulin planning meeting
Valerie, Martine, Francis, Benedicte (L to R)

6/12--Dinner at the foyer Le Demeure

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